Turks increasingly crave coffee, new research claims

More often than not, a glass of tea is used to symbolize Turkey. People here cannot function without their first glass of tea in the morning - or at least that is the way it used to be.

Turns out, more and more Turks take an interest in coffee these days. According to a popular online retailer, interest in coffee and coffee-related devices this year increased by a staggering 324 percent compared to 2017. Turkish consumers purchased filter coffee and coffee beans the most. They were followed by Turkish coffee, coffee capsules, milk powder and hot chocolate. The most coffee-related buys were made by people between the ages 36 and 45. Among Turkish cities, Istanbul consumed the highest amount of coffee followed by Ankara, İzmir, Kocaeli, Antalya, Bursa, Tekirdağ and Muğla.

According to experts, coffee helps prevent Type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease and dementia as well as other neural diseases. It also helps improve cognitional functions.

However, to see the health benefits of coffee, it should be consumed properly. While it is good to consume up to four cups of coffee for a healthy person, the maximum caffeine intake should not exceed 400 milligrams a day. For the elderly, on the other hand, the amount should be the half of it as their caffeine tolerance is lower. As the coffee drunk with meals can absorb the vitamin and minerals in food, experts advise consuming a cup of coffee an hour after meals.