Delicious sweets come to Ankara this weekend

People with a sweet tooth will know: Spending a stay among chocolate fountains, ice cream and colorful candies is the dream of a lifetime. To realize this dream, SweetFest is coming to Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, this weekend.

SweetFest, which is scheduled to take place in the botanical garden of the ANKAmall shopping mall starting from tomorrow will bring together more than 30 companies that produce delicious sweets from all over Turkey. Participants will have a chance to taste the most exotic and delicious sweets while attending workshops to learn how they can prepare their favorite desserts. The festival also offers a variety of activities and workshops for children.

The festival will also host live performances from Ozan Doğulu on the first day of the festival. On the second day, legendary musician Mazhar Alanson will sing his most beloved songs for festivalgoers.

Tickets for the festival can be purchased from the official Biletix website.