World summit gathers dairy sector in Istanbul

Turkey, with its wide meadows and grazing lands, great stock-breeding potential, uniquely rich product range, a climate structure that encompasses four seasons, along with its entrepreneurs' erudition and producers' elbow grease, is taking firm steps forward to be among the world's leading agriculture and stock-breeding countries.

Turkey, with a milk production capacity of more than 20 million tons, is the third-largest in Europe and the eighth-largest milk producer in the world. The International Dairy Federation (IDF) World Dairy Summit 2019 will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, from Sept. 23 to 26 .

This annual international event is expected to bring together more than 1,000 delegates from around the world to discuss issues of interest in the dairy sector.

Dairy producers, processors, experts, academics and policymakers can exchange ideas on topical issues in science, technology and innovation at this multi-stakeholder platform.