Turkey ranks first in antibiotic consumption

Turkey ranks first among European countries in antibiotic consumption, said Emine Alp Meşe of Erciyes University Medicine Faculty Infection Diseases and Clinic Microbiology Department in a statement. Contrary to the common belief, antibiotics do not alleviate a sore throat, runny nose or cough, nor can it be used as a pain killer or fever reducer, Meşe continued. She said antibiotics do not affect the flu or cold, stressing that the careless use of antibiotics is seriously high in Turkey. "Every 10 minutes, one person dies of severe infection resistant to antibiotics. Considering the fact that very few new antibiotics have been developed since the 2000s, there will be more health problems related with antibiotics emerging in the future," Meşe said. There is generally no need to use antibiotics for viral respiratory tract infections, a sore throat or diarrhea. She criticized that people use antibiotics even when they have fever. Antibiotics are helpful when they are used for bacterial infections within a regular period and with a proper dose. Meşe said excessive use of antibiotics without physician consultation does not bring benefits, but instead damages the body's balance. In the world, 2 tons of antibiotics are consumed every 10 minutes, and 30 percent of this consumption is unnecessary.