Turkish, Azeri volunteer optometrists provide eye treatment in Uganda

Turkish and Azeri oculists began working under the scope of a project known as Eye Light by the Earth Doctors; a strategic partner of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA). According to a statement by Earth Doctors, the Volunteer Health Team went to Uganda to provide medical treatment for those suffering from eye disease. The team will go to the region to carry out their mission until June 5, backed by the Earth Doctors who have healed thousands of people in Africa.Poor living conditions, the sub-saharan climate and malnutrition have resulted in the spread of disease among millions of African people, including eye diseases. Doctors have set a target number and hope to conduct approximately 100 eye operations at Habib Medical School, founded by the collaborative work of TİKA and Earth Doctors at Uganda Islam University.Meanwhile, within the scope of the Eye Light project, Earth Doctors have successfully treated more than 6,000 people and completed thousands of eye operations. The project also includes camps which are organized regularly to focus on eye diseases affecting many African countries including Niger, Kenya, Guinea, Somalia, Yemen, Tanzania and Sudan.