Ways to spice up your jogging

The benefits of regular exercise are well-known by all and jogging two or three times a week can be fun and effective. To add some flavor to your fitness schedule, you can try the following jogging forms

It is something l hear all the time from my fellow gym goers. Running? Why? Do you not get bored? Where do you find the energy? Well yes, let's face it-, not everyone likes to run or sprint. I too was in the same category not long ago. I used to cringe at the thought of forcing my body through such pain just to end up feeling sore and battered afterwards.I soon discovered that this is not the case. My love for running began when I started jogging as a warm-up for my resistance training sessions. Over time l slowly but steadily increased my jogging pace and distance and subtly noticed a surge in energy and mood, reduction in body fat and enhanced sleep quality. With that came an increase in self-confidence and motivation to reach new goals.Over time, the sweat and hard work paid off. l was feeling a million dollars as a result of running 10 kilometers up to two to three times a week. However I was soon to experience an injury like many runners - suffering from constant shin splints.Massage, stretching, chiropractic work and by increasing resistance training - and more importantly jogging - helped with managing the issue.Currently, I am slowly getting back into the rhythm of things after returning from a two-month holiday. I am in the initial stages of my training and have again rediscovered the joys of jogging. My new goal is to participate in the "10KM Medibank Melbourne Marathon," which is just under three weeks away. Listed below is a variety of jogging exercises I will be undertaking to help me reach my goal:Backwards joggingThere are many therapeutic benefits to jogging backwards. Here you are using a different set of muscles to improve muscular strength. These are the "opposing'" group which are your calves, quads and shins. According to many sources, jogging backwards burns up to 20 percent more calories than jogging forward and that 100 steps in reverse produces the same benefits as 1,000 steps straight ahead. It is no wonder backwards jogging is a great way to shed those extra kilos. Added benefits are improved core strength and balance, as well as peripheral vision - even your hearing, as you are forced to use other senses to help you navigate since you cannot see what is in front.Incline joggingYes it is time to embrace the incline! Why you ask? There are a number of benefits. Firstly, an increase in fat burning. The body uses a greater percentage of fat for fuel when walking on an incline compared to walking on a flat surface. Secondly it improves cardiovascular health. Walking on an incline increases the workload, thus raising the heart rate without having to risk aggravation of injury by running. Thirdly, it builds muscles by activating the calves, glutes and hamstrings more than jogging on a flat surface.Interval JoggingInterval jogging refers to an increase in pace anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, then reducing it down to a steady jog for half the time of elevation - repeating this 10-20 times. It is the quickest way to melt away the fat, get fitter and healthier as it creates an after-burn effect one-and-a-half to 24 hours post-work out, turning your body into a fat burning furnace. Yes, you will be pushing your limits, but tell me, who does not want to continue to burn fat a day later? I know I do!The benefits of jogging on the human body are numerous. Besides an elevation in mood and energy it reduces stress and anxiety, helps to strengthen bones, lowers body fat, controls and prevents diabetes and high cholesterol, strengthens immunity and better yet improves the quality and expectancy of life. Please check with your healthcare practitioner before considering any of the recommendations made above.

Aqua jogging

A form of jogging in the pool where your feet do not touch the ground. It tones muscles, burns fat and increases balance, coordination and flexibility in one 30-minute session. Without performing a single sit-up, a water workout tones and strengthens the abdominal and back muscles as a result of maintaining a vertical posture against the water's resistance. It is a great way to get into shape quickly as it burns twice as more calories than jogging on land. The best part is, that it has minimal impact on joints as water supports 90 percent of the body's weight.Sand jogging

Jogging on sand is a great way to burn calories and increase your resistance training. This is due to the fact that sand is softer and that your feet are buried in deeper requiring more force to propel your legs forward. Secondly, small stabilizing muscles in the knee, ankle and feet are forced to work harder which help to offset injury. Most importantly, sand reduces pounding on the knees and ankles to prevent further wear and tear. So why not hit the beach for some added fresh air and a dose of Vitamin D?