Smartphones create modern addictions

We all live through our smartphones, setting alarms, scheduling our day, sending and receiving emails, and sharing life's best moments via social media. However, our dependence on cellphones has turned into an addiction, according to a recent study conducted in Turkey.

According to "Deloitte Global Mobile User Research 2017," 92 percent of Turkey's population has access to a smartphone. An average Turkish smartphone user checks his or her phone about 78 times a day, which corresponds to every 13 minutes. The most frequently used communication and social media platforms via smartphones are Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram.

While Turks check their phones 78 times a day on average, Europeans check it about 48 times daily. Furthermore, 70 percent of the Turkish smartphones users check their phones 15 minutes before they go to sleep and 15 minutes after waking up every day. According to statistics released by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) in March 2017, there are 75,724,413 cellphone users in Turkey.