Choose your summer detox
Aronia smoothie.

Ramadan fasting offers a kind of detox, although it is important to maintain various detox programs after Ramadan

Summer is here and beach season has started. Everyone is looking for ways to get rid of the excess weight so that they will wear summer clothes comfortably. The way to do this is psychological and physical detox. Ramadan is an opportunity in this sense. After Ramadan, there are many other alternatives.

My first suggestion is that you try the aronia fruit. Coming from ancient Native American culture, aronia is a detox fruit with its sour taste and purple color. This fruit, which has been frequently mentioned by Dr. Ender Saraç on Turkish TV recently, is a perfect healer. The aronia fruit, from the blueberry family, became a source of power and energy for Native Americans. The fruit, which has the highest antioxidant ratio in the world, cleans the body even more than goji and blueberry. This fruit which makes the digestive system work is also good for health problems related to blood pressure and weight loss. Coming to Europe centuries after from America, aronia is very popular in Turkey now. Even face creams are produced with aronia. The benefits of this legendary fruit have already been discovered in Europe. The cultivation of aronia has already started in Turkey, and you can also find aronia juice.

The first businessman who produced this fruit in Turkey is İlyas Ercan. He's a perfect entrepreneur. Under the Vitaronia brand, he produces 100% natural fruit juice from aronia. As aronia is cold pressed, all the benefits of the fruit are preserved. There is no sugar, coloring or additive in it. Vitaronia fruit juice, sold in cardboard boxes as well as glass bottles, is preferred by children and sports lovers. You can drink it as daily shots or dilute it. Some also make tea with aronia. I suggest you make iced tea and smoothies in the summer. Moreover, with this fruit you can make ice cream or sauces for your desserts. I would advise you to make this fruit, the life secret of the Native Americans, part of your life as soon as possible.

Detox, beyond any doubt, means mental cleansing as well as body cleansing is necessary before summer. For mental cleansing you need to get information that will develop your spirituality, do religious practice such as praying and remove yourself from the material world. There are many trends that revolve around this philosophy. The first of these is breathing therapy. Everyone goes to breathing therapy and then shares his or her experiences with excitement. I was very fortunate to have met Merva Onur, an expert on this subject. She is a perfect breathing therapist. She believes that the essence of life can be reached by being in the moment.

The basis of this philosophy that Merva defines as "art of being," depends on breathing right. According to Merva, who offers training in this subject under the brand GEACITY, we do not breathe correctly. The essential requirement of the cells is oxygen. Thanks to oxygen, the body meets nature. It is grounded. It receives energy and lets off negative energy.

Merva Onur invites everyone to discover the importance of breathing. I attended one of the training organized by Merva at Yalova Limak Thermal Hotel, last weekend. It was magnificent. During the therapies you start to take deep a breath from your mouth. After 20 minutes the show starts. Your body reacts with oxygen and purifies. When you do this exercise in the water you start to feel the mother's belly effect. According to "art of being" the time spent in the mother's belly and the birth experience determine our lives. With the therapies in the water, you clear your subconscious from the negative energy. According to Merva, the subconscious is what controls our brains. The cleaner we are, more problem-free our lives will be. I suggest you start breathing therapy at the first opportunity. With these therapies you can solve childhood problems, reduce your stress and even stop smoking.

If you are looking for quick recipes for summer detox I would recommend you follow Ferin Batman and read her books. Ferin creates seasonal detox recipes every three months for her followers. Her creative smoothie recipes are quite famous. She uses organic Turkish products blended with some unique ingredients. Ferin says, "every body type needs its own personalized detox menu. And the consistency the key to complete at least one or two cures in one season. The detox you follow for winter cannot help you even for spring. So that in every season you should create your own detox menu and stick with the rules even though it's hard to follow sometimes. There are many fun and easy menus. You don't have to follow boring and strict ones. The point is discipline. That's why we create special menus and send it to our subscribers as online document they can follow anywhere." I strongly suggest following Ferin and experiencing her recipes.

Another wellbeing suggestion of mine for this summer is an upcoming event organized by Ayşe Tolga in September. The Goodness Festival will be held in Istanbul Bahçeköy Life Park on Sept. 16, 2018. This festival has been designed in a slightly different way compared to the rest of the good life festivals organized in Turkey. It is targeting all the age groups who somehow cannot reach concepts such as wellness, detox meditation, sports, yoga, or for those who cannot find what they are looking for, in existing festivals. There will be many activities including book signing, workshops, speeches, children's activities, plus a kitchen and canteen ill be there to offer delicious dishes.

Tolga, one of the founders of the Goodness Festival, said, "we believe good and healthy life should be fun. Me and Evrim Akar, we designed the festival of our dreams three years ago. When we conceptualized our project, the Goodnessfest, we said that we would create a very, very cheerful concept that consists of healthy food, sports, music, spiritual journey, mental activities, workshops and fun. We said we will do which has never been done before and designed a holistic festival, the Goodness Fest. Our aim is a holistic concept in which you will learn while having fun and you will get to know yourself while discovering new tastes."