Even babies are now addicted to technology, experts claim

Technology has brought incredible comfort to the lives of modern people but along with the perks, there are also negative effects. The reports show that more and more people are suffering from "technology addiction" and the "fear of missing out" (FOMO). What is more disturbing is that the age of technology addiction goes down to babies as young as 1.

According to experts, the negative effects of technology addiction have begun to manifest themselves in children, which causes degeneration of the thinking processes, regression in social development and a decline in self-esteem, high social anxiety and aggression.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency (AA), associate professor Selim Günüç of İzmir Bakırçay University said there are various types of technology addiction including digital games, online betting, the internet, smartphones, social media and online shopping.

According to Gününç, the different types of categories mean that their target groups changes. "In the last decade, the age of technology addiction declined from 12 to 6. It is worrisome that the negative effects of technology can be even seen in year-old babies," he added.

However, technology is everywhere and at some point there is no escape from it. Gününç said the responsibility falls on the shoulders of parents. "It is important to keep children away from these addictive technologies until children are at least 2 or 3 years old. Because recent studies show that babies under 3 years old are negatively affected by technology. In the next phases of their lives the addiction can come out even if it is treated when they are still children," said Gününç.

Associate professor Necmi Eşgi of Gaziosmanpaşa University, on the other hand, said that technology addiction in children starts before the children are even a year old. "It is easy to see children watching cartoons on a tablet computer while eating. When they start school, the addiction manifests itself as an addiction to video games and smartphones," he added.

Eşgi also recommended parents attend meetings and panel sessions organized by Turkey's Green Crescent Society to get more information on technology addiction in children.