'Kostantıniyye' newspaper goes digital

Istanbul Research Institute is now sharing the "Kostantıniyye News" newspaper, which features news about the history, socio-cultural life, historical buildings and districts of Istanbul, digitally with its readers and researchers.

Despite its short existence, "Kostantıniyye News" had a staff full of important men of letters, journalists and intellectuals, including Hulki Aktunç, Hilmi Yavuz, Orhan Duru and Nedim Gürsel. Published between 1989 and 1993, the newspaper had important news and articles on the cultures of Istanbul Byzantium, the Istanbul of the Ottoman times, minorities, city history, architecture and Turkish Islamic art. The complete series can be accessed from Istanbul Research Institute's website.

The short-lived newspaper continued under the name "Bizim Şehir" (Our Town) after its 21st edition. The archive consisting of 48 newspapers has been donated by journalist Cüneyt Ayral to the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Istanbul Research Institute.

The Istanbul Research Institute has been funding projects including "Gallery," "Atatürk and Republic Research," "Ottoman Research" and "Byzantium Research" since 2007, and it also offers a public library and information and document center in order to represent Istanbul at an international level. It is a research institute that prioritizes contemporary scientific criteria and is located in an historical building in Tepebaşı built at the end of 19th century by architect Guglielmo Semprini.