Swimmers cross through ancient underwater way to reach island in eastern Turkey
Swimmers seen approaching the u00c7arpanak Island located in Lake Van on Saturday Aug. 31, 2019 in Turkey's eastern Van province (IHA Photo)

A group of swimmers crossed the ancient underwater way to reach an island in eastern Turkey to draw attention to the historical and environmental heritage in the region, reports said Saturday.

The event was jointly organized by Lake Van Activists Association and Tuşba Municipality Search and Rescue Training Center in eastern Van province.

It took 50 swimmers, including divers, around two hours to reach the Çarpanak Island in Lake Van.

IHA Photo

Tuşba Mayor Salih Akman told reporters that they are planning to open the historic monastery on Çarpanak Island to tourism.

Lake Van Activists Association head Erdoğan Özel noted that they swam through the 1 kilometer-long ancient underwater way, dating thousands of years.

"Throughout the way we've been through different artifacts under the water," Özel said, adding that they want to raise awareness about Lake Van and its historical and natural heritage.