Millions in fines for unwanted texts, emails

The Customs and Trade Ministry announced over the weekend that it had issued fines totaling TL 8.22 million ($2.223 million) last year as a result of complaints for unwanted SMSs and emails sent by various companies.

Figures provided by the ministry show that since the "Commercial Electronic Messages Compliant System was initiated" in July 7, 2015, a total of 239,901 complaints were submitted. Most of the complaints were about SMSs, while voice messages and emails came second and third, respectively. The number of complaints skyrocketed last year. Authorities asked for a formal defense from the companies before fining them if their actions were deemed illegal.

Each infraction can cost the guilty company between TL 90 to TL 16,443 in fines. For messages sent to multiple recipients in one go, the fine can increase up to TL 60,293. Complaints can be lodged within three months of receiving the message.