Suspected neo-Nazi murderer seeks insanity defense

A lawyer for Beate Zschaepe, the sole surviving member of the National Socialist Underground (NSU), a neo-Nazi gang that murdered Turks in Germany, asked the court to reassess her for "mental disorder."

Mathias Grasel yesterday told a Munich court that it should hear an alternative report by a psychiatrist who said Zschaepe suffered from a disorder that forced her to remain dependent on others and thereby was forced to join the crimes of Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Boehnhardt, two other members of the gang, who took their lives when police closed in on them.

The court accepted and if the report is approved, Zschaepe may benefit from a reduction of her sentence, in a trial that has been underway since 2013.

The NSU is accused of murdering eight Turks and a string of bank robberies.