Bus pass argument causes scuffles in Istanbul bus

Tragicomic footage was captured as two passengers in an Istanbul bus got in a fight over the toll paid from a bus pass, in which who was fighting who was barely understandable.The incident took place in the Üsküdar district on the Asian side of Istanbul. One passenger used his bus pass as another passenger said that he does not have any credit left on his pass. When the passenger did not hand any change to pay for the bus fee, the owner of the pass got angry and the two got into fight.Soon after, a woman and a teenager accompanying the pass owner got involved to the fight. When the driver of the bus wanted to break up the fight, he became the target of swift punches by the middle-aged women, and from that moment on, it was impossible to determine who was fighting who.The scuffles went on for minutes until the bus driver, who was badly beaten, took out a stick near his seat and fended off the fighting parties. He then opened the doors and evacuated the passengers off the bus.The fight ended in a nearby police station.