Istanbul municipality wins prestigious Bronze Stevie PR award
| IBB Photo

The public relations department of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IBB) was crowned on Wednesday with a prestigious award at the Stevie International Business Awards.

"The Solution in Place with Power Support Team" of the IBB 153 emergency call center was awarded with a Bronze Stevie in the "Communications or PR Campaign of the Year - Public Service - EMEA" category.

The model competed in the 13th of the international business contest in Italy's Rome on Sept. 21 with 3,800 projects from 60 countries in its category.

While receiving the prize on the night of award ceremony, the public affairs director of the municipality Atakan Yılmaz said that, "I'm proud of receiving this prize," and added "I want to extend my thanks one more time to my esteemed workmates who contributed to this project."

The project is the IBB 153's call center service which handles concerns on public expectations, demands or complaints in the city. The service, working with full engagement of personnel, was awarded thanks to its speedy solutions to public's problems.