Big brother watching drivers ever more closely

The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality is planning to broaden its use of the Electronic Inspection System (EDS) so that drivers can be fined for more than one transgression.

Currently motorists in Istanbul are only fined for a single wrongdoing at a time, however with the new proposal a driver may be fined for multiple offenses simultaneously. The decision, in which a driver can be fined for not wearing a seatbelt, speaking on the phone and exceeding the speed limit all at the same time, is pending approval by the Interior Ministry.

The EDS is a network of 455 cameras around the city that help the Istanbul Police Department identify and punish unruly drivers. According to the current laws, drivers who break the speed limit are fined TL 235 ($37.40), and those who run a red light are fined TL 108. The penalty for driving on the tram line or the emergency lane is TL 108 and TL 235, respectively. Any traffic violation recorded by cameras is first communicated with a central station, which issues the fines. The EDS takes a photo of the vehicle from the front.