Emma Watson to support skirt-wearing men’s protest in Turkey

Famous actress and U.N. Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson, who is known for her sensitivity to social events, has published a message of support on her Twitter account for the "#ozgecanicinminietekgiy" (wear skirts for Özgecan) hashtag, which has been organized by Turkish men to wear skirts to protest the brutal murder of Turkish student Özgecan Aslan.

Sharing the hashtag on her Twitter account, the young actress wrote the message: "GO TURKISH MEN!!!". The group is also organizing a march in Istanbul's Taksim Square where men will attend wearing skirts.

Turkish university student Özgecan Aslan was brutally murdered when she resisted a rape on February 11 and her burned body was discovered two days later. The incident has caused nationwide protests and calls for tougher sentences for those guilty of violence against women.