Divorce lawyers offer guide to stay married

The American business magazine Forbes has shared advice from 15 divorce lawyers with its readers to help couples stay in their relationships.

With the wise advice now out in the open, the lawyers might find their business shrinking.

Some of the lawyers have suggested that one should not get married before paying attention to potential spouses' friends.

Ken Alan from the Goldberg Jones law firm based in Seattle in US, suggested: "While dating, pay attention to their friends. Disliking your significant other's friends can be a red flag for your relationship. Most people choose friends because they have similar personalities and traits. If you don't like your significant other's friends, but think your boyfriend/girlfriend is impeccable, you might be 'blinded by love' and overlooking some serious personality flaws."

Another suggested that couples should go onto romantic dates at least once in a while to keep the spark in place, while others suggested that partners should not get too comfortable with one another and spend less time putting the "sweatpants down" and more time putting "lipstick on".

Also, the importance of sincerity and communication between partners was widely emphasized by the lawyers, who suggested that one's self-awareness is also reflected in their relationship.

The relevant article of the Forbes can be found in the below link:
