Introduction to home gardening: Bring your dream garden indoors

Trapped in the chaos of daily life and chores, most urban dwellers long for a place to find peace of mind and return to nature. As it is hard to find such a place in megacities, home gardening offers nature lovers a chance to take up gardening in the comfort of your own home

The beeping of horns, exhausts fumes, and people rushing from one place to another, these are the sounds, sights and smells that people who live in urban areas are exposed to every day. The one thing that people do not see amid the hustle and bustle is green space where they can find a moments peace and relax.There is nothing like putting your hands in the soil and experiencing nature, but becoming one with nature is almost impossible for urban dwellers like Istanbulites.Blossoming, colorful flowers, green plants and vases in different shapes are the things that help us change the atmosphere in our homes, bringing us one step closer to the different colors of nature that we are so far removed from.Gardening has been shown to have significant health benefits and is an ideal way for city dwellers to experience nature in their own homes. For starters, it encourages people to engage in behaviors and activities that promote wellness. When gardeners choose to grow food organically, they are reducing their exposure to pesticides and potentially eating produce with a higher nutrient content. Gardening also reduces stress and improves mental health and is considered moderate-intensity exercise, which can help people live longer lives.Home gardening has become an increasingly popular trend in recent years, especially in megacities. People who have no time or space for growing plants, or vegetables and fruits, have started turning their homes into small, makeshift green houses where they can enjoy the miracle of nature. There are a couple of ways to begin home gardening, but first you need to know what you want and whether you have the right space for the undertaking.For people who are blessed with a house featuring a small garden, taking up home gardening is as easy as pie. Flowers, vegetables and fruits can be grown even in a small garden and you can enjoy bringing the food that you grow straight to your dinner table. However, not everyone is able to enjoy the delights of a fruitful garden. So, how about turning one of the corners of your apartment into a small green house or a garden!At IKEA, you can find simple solutions for home gardening. The recently unveiled hydroponic kit allows you to grow plants, flowers and vegetables in the simplest way possible. All you need is the right light, good soil and fertilizer for your plants. However, if you want to grow your food in the traditional way, there are few things to keep in mind. Remember that gardening is often a process of trial and error, so relax and have fun with it.Need for daylight Light is the key to home gardening. How much sunlight your garden space gets will play an important role in your selection of plants for home gardening. If you try to grow a plant that needs a dark place in the most sunny place in your house, for example, your home gardening experience can go south in a matter of days. Hence, be sure to do your research on plants according to the lighting in your garden space.Make time for your gardenThe idea of taking up home gardening and creating a green space in your home is great, but can you make the time to take care of them? Each plant has different needs. If you are working too much or traveling a lot, it is better to find plants that require minimum care. Do not forget that plants are living and breathing creatures. They need to be taken care of and you need to show them love. If you are not up to the task, it is better to quit before even getting started.The pot effect Home gardening is all about taking care of a living creature as well as creating a small getaway to make your house feel homelier. The pots that you choose for your home are as important as your plants. You can either choose ceramic pots or another type according to your preference, but also take the needs of your plants into consideration. The material that your pots are made of directly coincides with how well plants will grow and some pots help plants to keep the water in the roots for a longer span of time. Therefore, keep in mind that the right pot choice will help your plants live longer.Spend time on your balcony When we think about home gardening, the first thing that comes to mind is always growing plants indoors, but creating a simple garden on your balcony is always an option. When you decide what plants to grow in which pots, it is easy to turn your garden into a getaway space with just a few decoration ideas. If you have enough space, you can make your garden a place where you spend your spare time at home with just a table and a couple of chairs. You can always choose hanging plants as well, if you do not have much space or are worried about conserving space on a small balcony.The equipment you need Container gardens, also known as indoor gardens, are super simple for beginners. For these, gather the correct pots, potting soil, a watering can, and a small trowel (or even a sturdy kitchen spoon!) as these are the basic pieces of equipment you will need. For raised flower beds or flower beds in the ground, it is helpful to have a trowel, watering can, shovel, hoe, and digging fork.

What to grow at home?

African violet

A constant favorite, the African violet is one of the best choices for people who have recently taken up home gardening. The flowers blossom throughout the year with vast array of colors available and it is easy to take care of. The African violet needs sunlight and warm weather. It is also easy to grow. Just take a leaf from the violet and burry it in a small pot filled with wet soil.

Peace lily

With its large green leafs and white flowers, the peace lily creates a tropical atmosphere in your home. It is a long living indoor plant and requires low maintenance. It usually blossoms in summer but its leaves are green throughout the year. It does not need a lot of sunlight or water. However, you should be careful if you have children or pets as the leaves are known to have a toxic effect if they are eaten.


The red and orange flowers of the guzmania bloom six months out of the year. This flora will give color to your home and needs just enough sunlight. Guzmania does not grow well in extreme hot or cold temperatures. When the flowers die, you need to cut them from the bottom to help it blossom the following year.


Home gardening is not just about flowers. The kumquat which is a small fruit-bearing tree is ideal for your winter garden and balcony. It gives a fresh and beautiful smell and does not shed its green leaves throughout the year. It does not need sunlight or hot weather to thrive, either. You need to water it once every three days. Before it bears its fruits, it is better to put fertilizers in its soil for optimal results.


Gloxinia has a number of blossoms in different colors ranging from pink to white and purple to red. It does not require a lot of care and is similar to the African violet, in that it requires sunlight and a lot of watering. Avoid watering the flower excessive.