Colin Firth applies for Italian citizenship over Brexit ‘horror’
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British actor Colin Firth looks set to quit the UK ahead of its split from the European Union.

Firth's spokesman told UK Daily the Telegraph that he "applied for dual citizenship (British and Italian) in order to have the same passports as his wife and children."

His spokesman said Firth applied for an Italian passport at the Italian embassy in London due to family reasons, but refused to comment when asked if it had anything to do with Brexit.

The 56-year-old actor has been married to Italian film producer Livia Giuggioli for 20 years, and they have two sons. Firth is also fluent in Italian.

Living in Chiswick, west London, the family also has a holiday home near the town of Città della Pieve in Umbria.

The star will be able keep his British passport as both Britain and Italy allow dual citizenship.

Firth, a vocal opponent of the UK's divorce from the EU, last year had told an Austrian newspaper that it was "a disaster of unexpected proportions" and was worried of the consequences.

"Brexit does not have a single positive aspect. Many colleagues, including Emma Thompson are, like me, enthusiastic Europeans," he had said.

Best known for his roles Pride And Prejudice, Mamma Mia! and Bridget Jones's Diary, Firth has been seen as the ultimate Englishman. The actor won an Oscar for best actor for his role in 'The King's Speech' as King George VI.