‘Snowball’ wins Van cat beauty contest in eastern Turkey
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A Van Cat named Kartopu (Snowball) won this year's feline beauty contest held in Van, eastern Turkey.

In the competition between seven cats held Tuesday, 'Snowball' earned first place as the purest specimen of her breed's characteristics, according to Doğan News Agency.

The world-renowned Van cat breed is admired for its duo-colored eyes, white fur and warm personality.

This was the Van Cat Beauty Contest's second year, part of the annual Van Tourism and Travel Fair.

The winning family was awarded a full gold coin, with second place receiving a half gold coin and third place a quarter gold coin.

The Van Cat Research and Application Center of Yüzüncü Yıl Year University (YYÜ) is working to preserve the pure blood line of the Van cat through a breeding program.

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