Turkish restaurant in New York gives Thanksgiving dinner to homeless

Thanksgiving is a time that Americans spend time with their family around a dinner table, being thankful for what they have ahead of Christmas. However, the homeless in the country do not have that kind of opportunity.

A Turkish restaurant in New York gave a dinner for the homeless and those who are in need on Wednesday to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

The restaurant called Ali Baba Terrace teamed up with the New York Police Department (NYPD) and the Muslim Officers Society for the event with the theme, "No one should be hungry or alone on Thanksgiving Day."

The dinner took place at the park in Manhattan and the food prepared at the restaurant adorned the Thanksgiving table.

Prior to the dinner, Ali Rıza Doğan, the owner of the restaurant, gave a speech to his guests and said: "It is not important which religion we believe in, which country we came from or the color of our skins. We are all human beings, and you are my family.