Canadian town runs out of creative street names
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A small town in Canada – the world's second largest country boasting an incredibly varied geography of picturesque forests, mountains and lakes – seems to have run out of ideas for street names, providing comic relief for web surfers who discovered the road names.

The bland street names in Porters Lake, Nova Scotia – namely, "This Street," "That Street" and "The Other Street" – have garnered attention from outsiders.

The sitcom-worthy street names came to international attention when Reddit user 'b0xlunch' shared them online.

Reddit users also pointed out that the local post office is not on Post Office Road but on Keizer Drive instead.

However, the Porters Lake community is not alone when it comes to odd yet hilarious street names.

Quite a ways north in Nunavut province, a "Road to Nowhere" can be found in the tiny town of Iqaluit.

The northwestern U.S. town of Culver, Oregon is home to "This Way Lane" and "That Way Lane."

Canada, with its history of First Nations and later French influence, touts a colorful list of town names, including Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!, Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, Blow Me Down, Cow Head, Stoner, Eyebrow, Asbestos, Dead Man's Flats.