Eyes on the heavens: Celestial events to dominate 2019

This year, earthlings will have a chance to observe a good number of celestial events according to The Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council's (TÜBİTAK) National Observatory.

The first celestial event of the year will take place on Jan. 5-6 and it will be a partial solar eclipse. During the event, 71 percent of the sun will be covered and the eclipse can be observed from northeastern Asia and some parts of Alaska.

On Jan. 21, between 3:33 a.m. and 6:50 a.m. (in local time), Northern and Southern America will be able to observe a moon eclipse. As the sun begins to rise during that time in Turkey, Turkish observers will not be able to see the eclipse.

The second solar eclipse of the year will take place on July 2 but unfortunately this eclipse also won't be seen in Turkey. Enthusiasts from Northern America and islanders living close to the Pacific Ocean will be able to observe this solar eclipse.

Although most of the celestial events in the first part of the year cannot be observed from Turkey, the partial moon eclipse which will take place on June 16 and June 17 will show itself to the Turkish observers. Some 65 percent of the moon will be seen by earth during the eclipse.

On Dec. 26, an annular eclipse will take place and it can be observed from Saudi Arabia, India, Sumatra Borneo and the Philippines.

Apart from the eclipses, 2019 is to witness many perseids and planetary movements that can be observed from earth.