İzmit's wetland a sanctuary for migratory birds

İzmit's man-made wetland, which was constructed by planting reeds in 2006, is now home to a total of 168 different bird species.

Covering 200 meters of coastline, the wetland has become an alternative tourism destination. Since İzmit is on the birds' migration route, it is a perfect place for a "bird paradise."

While the wetland is protected by the Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks, the birds are medically taken care of by vets.

The wetland has become a favorite sport not only for bird watchers around the world but also professional and amateur photographers. Since the number of flamingos living in the area is huge, these pink birds are the favorite subjects of artists. When it is time for birds to migrate to other parts of the world, some of these flamingos in İzmit's wetland stay and continue to color the city's coastline in pink.