60-year-old self-taught skier wants to take on youngsters at Bitlis' Mount Haserek

He may not be a spring chicken anymore but this elderly man is definitely not over the hill – 60-year-old Bahri Çibuk is a conquerer of hills on skis! The Bingöl native managed to learn how to ski in just one week completely on his own and now has voiced his desire to take on youngsters to race down to the bottom of Mount Hesarek.

The retiree and father of three snaps on his skis without the need for any other gear, such as a skiing jacket or pants. He sports his regular clothes and just gets going. Çibuk said he has always been interested in skiing but only just got around to really mastering it.

"When I was a kid, I used the curtain tracks to ski. To realize my childhood dream, I came to the Haserek Ski Center," he said. "When I saw how beautiful the tracks are, I started skiing. I fell a lot at first but I learned how to do it in a week."

"I see myself ready to race with the youngsters!" he exclaimed, grinning into the camera.

He called on children and youth to come from far and wide to enjoy the snow and have the opportunity to ski in a beautiful environment.

The Haserek Ski Center in the eastern Turkish province of Bingöl was established in 2016 and is in the perfect spot for people who don't mind the bitter cold and like the thrill of winter sports in icy weather.