DIY haircuts, masks and recipes: Google search shows how COVID-19 changed global behavior
Lucie cuts her companion Pierre's hair at home as coiffeurs stay closed on the 25th day of a strict lockdown aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19, Paris, April 10, 2020. (Photo by Elena FUSCO / AFP)

The world is undergoing many changes and with it, the behavior of people worldwide seems to be shifting as well. One way to track these shifts is Google itself, with Google Trends showing how the search trends have changed over the last few months.

According to the data of searches from March 30 to April 5, Turkey wanted to know which shops are open, while South Africa looked for "essential services." Germans were interested in whether hardware stores were still open or not. One of the highest peaks in searches, especially in the U.S. where the virus hit especially hard, was "how to make a mask with fabric."

As many services are not available for the time being, people are trying to find their own solutions. People in the U.K. especially looked for manicure kits and dog grooming kits. In the U.S. searches for removing gel manicures at home spiked as well. Germany increasingly wondered how to cut their hair themselves, while Turkey was searching for "shavers."

With restaurants closed and now many people having more time to cook the food-related search trends spiked as well. In Turkey, the search for the right "bread recipe" was on the rise, and "freezers" were a popular search term as well. In Italy "simple cookies" and in Germany making your own "yeast" were searched the most.

As schools and universities are closed in Turkey, the search term "online education" soared. Turkey started remote classes to ensure students wouldn’t be deprived of their education. The remote classes that can be followed online and on TV, through the country's Education Information Network (EBA) and public broadcaster TRT EBA started March 23 and will continue until April 30. Due to this new system, the rise in that search term was no surprise.

Staying at home might make some people lazy but at least the searches for fitness, sport and exercise at home rose. The U.K. increasingly searched for ping-pong tables and basketball hoops, while Germans looked for "daily exercise classes" on YouTube.

In the last 30 days, the searches for the video communication app Zoom rose globally by a whopping 1,050%, followed by the website Worldometers that keeps track of the figures on COVID-19.