Savory munchies: 3 recipes for homemade crackers
Puff pastry sticks with cheese and spices. (Shutterstock)

If a craving hits and there is a lot of time until the next meal, salty snacks are the best way to satiate your hunger. Here are some recipes that will help you snack better for less money

I’m not going to lie: I love to crunch down on some salty crackers when I'm a bit hungry but don’t want to wait for the next meal. Sometimes I like dipping them in some labneh, cream cheese or even hot sauce to spice it up a bit.

While buying them is very convenient without a doubt – I literally have a stash of them – making them yourself is a great way to save some money and cater to your own tastes.

Simple braids are a popular shape for mahleb crackers in pastry shops. (Shutterstock)

Mahleb crackers

Every pastry shop in Turkey sells these savory cookies that melt in your mouth and have that distinct taste to them. While they are easy to find, I prefer to use a bit of my time to elevate these savory snacks to higher levels by making them myself. Mahleb is a very strong spice, so adding just a little does go a long way. Plus, you can add as much sesame or nigella seeds as you like – or leave it out altogether.
