New Year celebrations: Magical drone display illuminates UK sky
Drones form an image of a luminous stag as part of the Edinburgh’s Hogmanay festival's New Year celebrations in Scotland. (Reuters Photo)

A captivating swarm drone display illuminated the skies over Scotland as part of Edinburgh's Hogmanay festival celebrating the New Year in December.

Videos were taken near the remote area of Spean Bridge and others capturing Edinburgh's skyline show drones taking off and forming various shapes, including a luminous stag seen flying across the sky.

Sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) software was used to choreograph the drone movements in the sky forming images created by Gary Wilson, a Scottish illustrator, the Edinburgh's Hogmanay festival said.

The show entitled "Fare Well" can be viewed online and features a new piece by poet Jackie Kay, bidding goodbye to 2020 and wishing a better 2021, Edinburgh's Hogmanay festival said.