Israel strikes Gazan family during iftar

A rocket launched by Israel has hit the al-Arca family while having dinner in their house on Thursday.The rocket landed on the garden of the house, killing the 60-year-old Samiya al-Arca and her 10-year-old granddaughter Maryam Atiyya. Seven other people along Maryam's parents were injured by the attack. Visam al-Arca, who was also in the house when the incident happened, said the family was preparing for iftar, the evening meal when Muslims break their fasting, when the rocket hit the ground. "All at once there were shell fragments flying around everywhere," he said. The neighbors left their iftar and immediately ran to help the al-Arca family. "Our neighbors looked for the injured and dead under the debris," said Arca. Everyone surrounding the table was covered in blood."This is war crime. They are bombing civilian houses without a reason. Where are the human rights organizations? Where is the conscience of the world," Arca asked.