Yinon Muallem Quintet to go on tour in Turkey

Yinon Muallem, a percussionist living in Istanbul and former Israeli Cultural Attache will perform in Istanbul and Ankara with his new ethno-jazz project "Back Home."

According to a statement about the concerts, Muallem, aiming to draw a new path in his music career with "Back Home," blends Middle Eastern music forms, Ottoman makam music and traditional Jewish music with jazz in his new project.

Trying to express his inner journey in "Back Home," he also performs the song "Perfect Day" by Lou Reed, whom he admired in his youth, in the album.

In the project, Muallem plays ud and percussion along while also singing. In the vocals, Sivan Oshrat accompanies him while Maayan Doari keeps the company on percussion instruments. While Orel Oshrat serves in the arrangement, Meni Welt plays doublebass.

The "Back Home" album, the first project of "Yinon Muallem Quintet," will be presented to music lovers in Germany by Galileo Music on New Year's and then worldwide.

The band will perform at Borusan Sanat on Jan. 11, 2019 and at Cer Modern Ankara on Jan. 12, 2019.