Garanti Jazz Green welcomes spring with new concerts
Alice Phoebe Lou

The spring program of Garanti Jazz Green concerts continues at full speed. The concerts at different spots in Istanbul, including Nardis Jazz Club, the Istanbul Culture and Arts Foundation's (İKSV) Salon and Babylon, will bring some special voices from the jazz world.

The star of jazz festivals Melanie Scholtz and one of the significant voices in the jazz world, Brian Charette will meet their listeners in Istanbul. The successful musicians will be accompanied by Önder Focan and Erhan Seçkin. The concerts will be held at Nardis Jazz Club on March 21-22 at 9:30 p.m., as part of the Garanti Jazz Green program. South African born singer, songwriter Alice Phoebe Lou, who lives in Berlin now, feeds her soul with indie folk, jazz and blues. As part of the tour of her new album "Paper Castles," will be released on March 8, she will take the stage at Salon İKSV on April 5 and April 6 at 10 p.m. The first 100 people to buy tickets to the concert with Garanti credit cards will receive one complimentary ticket.

Another figure that Garanti Jazz Green will host is Courtney Barnett, one of the most authentic voices of Indie rock. Combining folk-pop sound under the effect of garage rock with her authentic lyrics, Barnett will offer an unforgettable music feast to listeners in Babylon on May 18 at 9:30 p.m. Garanti credit card holders can buy tickets to this concert at a 20 percent discount.