79 Gulen-linked police officers suspended from duty

79 Gülen-linked police officers have been suspended from duty due to allegations of spying and illegal wire-tapping on Friday. 35 police officers were already suspended and some of whom were high-level officers such as Yurt Atagün, the former head of the Istanbul police's anti-terror department, Ömer Köse and Erol Demirhan. Ali Fuat Yılmazer, the former Istanbul Police Department Intelligence Bureau Chief retired recently. A total of 116 police officers have been detained and so far 31 have been arrested after accusations of spying and illegal wire-tapping.Turkish government officials have continuously expressed their determination to continue to lawfully fight against the Gülen Movement, which is led by the U.S.-based imam Fethullah Gülen, whose followers are accused of infiltrating state institutions to gain control of state mechanisms and illegal wiretapping, forgery of official documents and spying.Fethullah Gülen, is a controversial imam, living in rural Pennsylvania in self-imposed exile, who is at odds with the Turkish government over the influence he wields inside the Turkish police forces and top judiciary.