Turkey an island of stability surrounded by fragile states: PM

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, speaking at the 'Friends of Europe' summit in Brussels, stated on Thursday that Turkey is an island of stability surrounded by eight fragile states in the region, setting an example for others. There are three types of states according to Davutoğlu. "Those in the first category have a vision and continuously develop" said Davutoğlu, stating that Turkey is in the first category and democratic stability is a vital principle for the Turkish government. The second type of states do not have a vision but can control their countries while the third type of states do not have a vision nor the capacity to control their countries, creating serious problems for themselves and the countries around them."Turkey's borders secure Europe's borders and this was the case during the Cold War too" said Davutoğlu, stating that Europe will have security if Turkey's borders are secured and vice versa.Davutoğlu highlighted Turkey's role in welcoming millions of refugees pouring from Iraq and Syria due to the current crisis. "What would 197,000 refugees from Kobani do if we closed the borders to them?" Davutoğlu asked, stating that Turkey has welcomed almost 197,000 people in three days. He underlined that Turkey has opened its doors to everyone who faces persecution including the Iraqis, Syrians and Uighurs, Kosovars, Bosniacs and many others who found a safe haven in Turkey.