YPG/PKK supporters hold anti-Türkiye demonstration in Sweden
PKK terrorist sympathizers holding a rally in Stockholm, Sweden, Nov. 12, 2022. (AA File Photo)

Terrorist PKK supporters held a provocative anti-Türkiye protest in Sweden on Thursday.

Terrorist supporters gathered in front of the historic City Hall in the capital Stockholm, hung a puppet — likened to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan — by the feet on a pole in front of the building, and shared video footage of this moment on social media.

Video footage posted later on a social media account affiliated with the terrorist group showed that threats targeting Türkiye and Erdoğan were made with Turkish subtitles.

There were insulting comments under the post, stating that there would be a show of charity for NATO on Jan. 21 in Stockholm, which also drew attention.

On Nov. 21, 2022, supporters of the PKK terrorist group projected images containing terrorist organization propaganda, insulting President Erdoğan to the chancellery of the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm.

Sweden's Ambassador to Ankara, Staffan Herrstrom, was later summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and condemned.