National outranks Politics in January

Since the end of the month almost coincided with the last issue of this month's Readers Corner, it is time to find out if the tendencies of our readers have shifted according to the top 10 lists of every week concerned. With the lack of a Jan. 2 edition of our page, only 40 news articles and columns can be considered this month, but that is still a sizable pool to gauge changes.

This month, there were several changes in the category and sub-category rankings. Dethroning Politics, this month the national news reigned supreme with 12 news articles listed under the category of Turkey. More than a single week's worth of entries is nothing to scoff at. Considering that Politics held first place since the end of the month articles started, it is a surprising result and probably due to the heavy snows and cancelled flights that led to news articles gaining attention from both our readers at home and abroad. Seven of the news articles had the sub-category of İstanbul for the same reason, more than half out of 12. Four of them had no sub-category, and the remainder came under Investigations.

Even though Politics missed first place, it still managed to stay close, with 10 articles to its name. The War on Terror sub-category got the most attention, as it has the past two months, and it had six entries. One news article was listed under Legislation, a sub-category that had not made an appearance before. With the current situation in Parliament, it is hardly a surprise though. The last three news articles in Politics had the sub-category of Diplomacy, another one usually popular with our readers.

Business held on to third place just like it did in the past two out of three months thanks to its seven entries. Only one had no sub-category title, while Tourism and Economy had three each to themselves.

Life also ranked at a similar level over the last months . There was only one Feature this month on the top 10 list, while History got three. The other three belonged to Life.

Fifth place went to World, with three articles distributed among the weeks' top 10 lists. All three had sub-categories, although Europe was a little more popular with two entries, while the Balkans had just one. Considering this category was in second place last month, it is clear that the news relating to this category was shadowed by national issues.

While Columns continue their strong presence this month, the number of entries lessened by one compared to the last three months. The two columns were written by İbrahim Kalın and Hakkı Özal respectively.

Finally, like last month, Arts managed to enter a single article with the sub-category Music. It appears that a balance is struck when it comes to the preference of our readers. The categories are quite diverse compared to early fall, and it remains that way. As these monthly articles will continue for quite some time, we will get more information on these trends in Reader's Corner in the upcoming months.