New year with political articles on top

As we leave behind the starting pains of a new year and got accustomed to write the correct year of the dates, it is time to take a look what the past month brought us in regards of our readers' preferences.

January 2018 was an eventful month especially with the diplomatic developments between Turkey and United States followed with the Afrin operation. Therefore, it is only rational that Daily Sabah's Top 10 most read list reflected that.

"Politics" is at the first place with an impressive 16 news articles, holding its place from last month while managing to increase its number of entries. When it comes to its subcategories we can almost see an even divide with eight news articles under "War on Terror" and seven news articles of "Diplomacy." The remaining one entry that served as the tiebreaker however did not belonged to any subcategory, as it was only listed under "Politics."

The second place is also the same as with the December. "World" had a total of six entries to its name and all of them were also belonged in a subcategory. "Middle East" was unsurprisingly the leader here with three news articles due to the reasons mentioned above while "Europe," "Americas" and "Syrian Crisis" each had a single entry to their name.

"Turkey" on the other hand moved up two places compared to previous month and now sits at the third place with five news articles. Four of those were only listed under "Turkey" while the remaining one belonged to subcategory of "Istanbul."

Coming up next is "Life" with four showings in the top ten lists throughout the month. "History" is in the lead as always with two news articles while "Feature" had a single entry. The remaining one was only listed under "Feature," however.

Fifth place belongs to "Business" and its three entries. While among its subcategories, "Defense" had a presence with a single news article, the remaining two are not listed under subcategories.

Sixth place is a shared one this time as "Sports," "Opinion" and "Columns" each had a single entry to their names respectively. The entry of "Sports" also had the subcategory of "Football" while the article of "Opinion" was an "Editorial" one. The only column of this month that managed to get into top 10 lists of January belonged to Ragıp Soylu, a frequent name on the lists.

The month of January was a tightly focused one with "Diplomacy" and "War on Terror" taking up most of the spots due to the recent events while "Opinion" and "Editorial" made a rare appearance. "Feature" also started to become a permanent fixture on these lists so hopefully we will see more of it in the upcoming months.