Report: 70 pct of world population will use 4G technology by 2020

After Turkey held a tender for 4.5G mobile technology last week that amounted to 3.9 billion euros, exceeding expectations, Ericsson Turkey released a report regarding the growing trend on the usage of fourth generation (4G) technology. According to Ericsson Turkey's Global Mobility Report, 3.7 billion people will use 4G technology by 2020. Ericsson Turkey introduced its Global Mobility Report and its supplement, which covers the Middle East and North Africa, including Turkey, in a press conference.

Evaluating developments that the information and communication technology sector and mobile technologies have faced recently, the report also pointed to expected changes in mobility leading up to 2020. According to the report, the number of subscribers will increase to 9.2 billion, while the number of people using mobile broadband will rise to 7.7 billion by 2020. Thanks to investments made in technology, 70 percent of the world's population will be able to benefit from 4G/Long Term Evolution (LTE) coverage by 2020 and 3.7 billion people will use this technology.

In this process, the number of smartphone users will double. In other words, 70 percent of the world's population will use smartphones, and 80 percent of the total mobile data traffic will originate from smartphones. Total mobile data traffic will increase by a factor of nine by 2020 and video will play the main role in this increase. Video will constitute 60 percent of total mobile data traffic by 2020 by growing 55 percent each year.

In Turkey, 65 percent of people are sensitive about coverage and uninterrupted communication matters, according to the report. Additionally, third generation (3G) users use many mobile services that consume high levels of data, and 40 percent of 3G users want an unlimited data plan. A total of 41 percent of Turkish mobile users say they would increase data use if there was better coverage and service quality.

In the Middle East and North Africa, the number of mobile subscribers, which was 680 million at the end of 2014, will reach 970 million by 2020. With this increase, connectivity in the region is expected to be carried to levels never seen before. Moreover, 10 percent of total mobile subscribers and 1 percent of LTE subscribers were in the Middle East and North Africa, including Turkey, by the end of 2014.

As the number of LTE users reaches 3.7 billion in the world by 2020, 210 million of those users are expected to be in the Middle East and North Africa. While mobile data traffic in the region is expected to increase by a factor of 14 between 2014 and 2020, it is expected to increase by a factor of nine around the world.

Ericsson Turkey General Manager Ziya Erdem said in the press conference: "While the transformation of the information and communication sector continues rapidly across the world, this rapid transformation is extraordinary in Turkey. We know from our previous research that almost half of 3G users want to use 4G in Turkey. Actually this stems from the demand to reach new technologies."

Underscoring that users want to use unlimited Internet packages, Erdem said users are more sensitive about coverage and quality matters than before. He emphasized that when 4.5G is implemented in Turkey next year, there will be serious demand from users and Turkey will rapidly match the penetration levels of other countries in terms of advanced technology use.

"Ericsson, which is in the leading position in the LTE field in the largest 100 cities in the world, will support Turkey's significant technology evolution with its technology and experience in this field," Erdem said.