Uber prohibits broadcasting passenger images

The ride-hailing company Uber instituted a new guideline prohibiting drivers from broadcasting passengers' images amid privacy concerns after a St. Louis-area driver posted hundreds of videos.

The new guideline was put in place at the end of September, an Uber spokesman said. It allows drivers to use video cameras, dash cameras and other recording devices for security purposes - but not to broadcast them. Uber said the guideline was in place when a Phoenix driver posted video from Oct. 29 of Ottawa Senators players insulting the team and an assistant coach.

The players apologized to their coach and said in a statement that their "private conversation was recorded without our knowledge or consent." Uber said the driver's access was removed. Lyft has not changed or instituted a new policy, but requires drivers to follow local laws and regulations, "including with regard to the use of any recording device," a spokeswoman said. ST.