Do you suffer from ‘Supermom Syndrome?'

Nearly all working mothers are victims of ‘supermom syndrome' to some extent, a psychological condition that induces physical and emotional suffering. Exhausting yourself while trying to be a perfect mother, however, builds up stress and consumes energy

We all know that one mom who seems to be able to do it all. This "supermom" is the woman who is filling multiple roles by juggling a career and raising her family at the same time. She is the mom that puts on her magic superwoman cape each morning before she starts her daily routine of waking up the kids, making and serving breakfast, sending them off to school, working a full day at the office, picking up the kids from school, taking them to their soccer games and piano lessons, making and serving dinner, preparing baths, helping with homework and finally putting the kids to bed. And oh not forget the laundry, dishes and housework. Yet, this supermom's home is always sparkling clean and she somehow finds the time to show up at your house with a freshly baked batch of cookies. Sound familiar? It may even be you. These supermoms strive for perfection and although it may seem like they have it all together, what you do not see are the major effects of "Supermom syndrome" that are building up behind that perfect image."Supermom syndrome" refers to a woman's constant need to accomplish everything possible in a perfect manner, while striving to be a perfect worker, mother, wife and friend. She sets high, unrealistic goals for herself, which are usually unattainable, and when she cannot excel in every area she feels like a failure.Today's society is becoming more demanding by the minute and women strive to "do it all." While today's women are more independent, they also face enormous pressure to meet the expectations placed on them by society. Women are pressured to manage a career, be a perfect mother and a loving wife, all while neglecting their own needs.Women who suffer from "Supermom Syndrome" do not allow any personal time for themselves. They often feel constantly overwhelmed by all the things they need to accomplish, have a hard time saying "no" and will sacrifice their well-being to take care of others first, leaving no time or energy to devote to themselves, which results in a great deal of stress. They measure their self-worth according to their productivity, making life more stressful and missing out on all the joys it has to offer. Supermoms undermine their own health and this is when the physical and psychological symptoms of stress start to manifest themselves.The Stress Factor"Supermom Syndrome" induces high amounts of stress, which is the leading cause of many serious health issues. Women often suffer from the psychological symptoms of stress, which include irritability, memory problems, mood swings and emotional outbursts, indecisiveness and depression.Physical symptoms include weight gain, abdominal pain, muscle tension, skin rashes, shortness of breath, anxiety and a weakened immune system.Overcoming "Supermom Syndrome"The good news is that treating "Supermom Syndrome" doesn't require a professional diagnosis or medication; it can be treated simply by changing your lifestyle.Add "me" time to your "to-do list"Start by making yourself a priority. Even if your day is busy, taking time out to do something you enjoy is crucial to reducing stress levels. Whether it is going to the gym, shopping, or having coffee with a friend, find what works for you and commit to it.You do not have to be perfectWhen you realize that the house doesn't have to be perfectly spotless every day and that there is no perfect way to set the dinner table, you will be able to relax and be more in-the-moment. Don't compare yourself to other "supermoms." Just do things your own way and your family will be thankful to have extra time to spend with you and will not notice if your table is not perfectly set.Ask for helpAsking for help from your children or spouse is perfectly normal. Allowing them to pitch in to help take care of some things around the house will take the burden off your shoulders for a while and free up some more personal time. Asking for help is not a sign of failure. Furthermore, lifestyle changes such as getting proper sleep, eating a healthy diet and getting adequate exercise weekly will go a long way in helping to relieve stress.Finally, one more thing should be remembered, "You are the heart of your family. You do not need to be perfect; you just need to be "Mom," because in the eyes of your family, you are already pretty super."