From yellow to red, Autumn is showing its colors in Küre Mountains

The Küre Mountains mesmerize visitors with the array of colors it presents, especially in autumn.

Küre Mountains National Park, located on an area of 37,000 hectares between the borders of Turkey's Kastamonu and Bartın provinces, offers impressive views to its visitors in autumn.

As a popular travel destination all year round, driving in both local nationals and foreign tourists with its waterfalls, rivers, canyon and valley, Küre mountains allures photography enthusiasts as well as nature lovers with its trees and colorful, fallen leaves.

The rural layer, consisting of the natural park, the forest at its foothills, vast meadows amid the forests, field and gardens and residential areas, offers a unique biological diversity that is found in very few locations around the world.

With its endemic plants, wildlife and authentic values, Küre Mountains National Park offers activities such as trekking, photo safari and hunting. Blanketed by snow in winter and flowers in spring, the national park transforms into a picturesque environment in autumn thanks to the combination of the various tones of the colors green, yellow and red.

Serkan Mütevelli, head of the Kastamonu Foundation for Tourism and Hoteliers (KASTOD), said they are assertive about nature tourism and added, "People started to look for alternative tourism options rather than seaside and beach holidays. Currently, trekking and highland tourism are quite popular. Kastamonu offers an untouched geography in all aspects for this kind of tourism. The recent touristic investments also made in the region are highly important."

"You can witness all tones of green, yellow and red on Küre mountains. It offers extraordinary photo options for both photographers and travelers," he said.

Suat Cumali Güngör, head of the Kastamonu Art of Photography Foundation, stressed that the region is often visited by photographers and its beauty deserves to be witnessed by all.