Floating islands of Çat Dam attract tourists

Floating islands on the Çat Dam in Çelikhan district in Adıyaman province started to prepare for visitors with the coming of the spring.

Citizens on the shores of the Çat Dam, which houses floating islands, drawing the attention of local tourists every season with its natural beauty, both to observe the perfect view and enjoy fishing in the ponds.

The interest of local and foreign tourists to the region, where Çelikhan District Governorship construct arbors, playgrounds, guest houses and picnic areas, is increasing day by day.

District Governor Mustafa İkbal Eşki told Anadolu Agency (AA) that these floating islands were really huge when the Çat Dam started to be built in here.

Explaining that after the construction of the dam, there appeared a separation in these islands, Eşki suggested, "Some islands were washed up onto the shore. With some works conducted together with İnönü University, a group of them were tightened up with wire ropes. We partially managed to prevent these islands' being washed up onto the shore. When they reach to the shore, islands start to burn inside and cannot float again. This is why we turn them into turfs where plants are grown. We will have put a turf group on the floating islands until this summer. Therefore, we will have a perfect view."

"Floating islands are really rare in Turkey. Even if we do not consider the small islands in Bingöl province, our islands are the only ones in Turkey. We aimed to introduce them to the tourism offering and attract more tourists," he added.