11th century Seljuk castle comes to life, awaits tourists

Believed to be built in the reign of Seljuks in Anatolia or even earlier by the Urartus, Pertek Castle in the modern-day eastern province of Tunceli still stands tall next to Murat River in all its glory. Restored by the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century, the castle's surroundings were flooded by Keban Dam, leaving the castle on an island 5 kilometers from the northern shore of the dam's lake.

With its incredible view and architectural features, displaying the engineering talent of the ancients, the castle welcomes thousands of tourists from around the world who want a glimpse of the world of the 11th century.

The walls of the castle were built with natural stone. Blue tiles and clinker were used to decorate the southern walls. Below the castle, Baysungur Mosque and Çelebi Ali Mosque, built by Baysungur, the bey of Pertek, can be found. The castle was so majestic that Evliya Çelebi, the Ottoman wanderer and the author of acclaimed book "Seyahatname" ("The Book of Travels"), also featured its architectural marvels and noted that the building was once famous for its sculpture of an eagle.