Rioters' Molotov cocktails stir up terror

VIEW MORE PHOTOS FROM MAY DAY VIOLENCE IN ISTANBULISTANBUL — Media outlets, particularly foreign networks, have typically reported on police brutality during demonstrations, while downplaying attacks by protestors targeting security forces. In yesterday's protests, some demonstrators were armed with everything from fireworks to broken pavement stones and firebombs, which are regarded as weapons in Turkey as well as other countries. Throwing firebombs, also known as Molotov cocktails, is an offense punishable with a prison term in Turkey. Firebombs were the subject of debate as to whether people carrying and using them should be charged with terrorism. A U.S. court sentenced three protesters to prison terms ranging from five to eight years on charges of terrorism for plotting Molotov cocktail attacks in Chicago during a NATO summit in 2012. Normally, a conviction on terror charges may be punishable with life in prison in the U.S.
Photo taken during the ongoing riots in Ukraine
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