Turkish woman discovers extra child registered under her name during divorce

Müşerref B., 38, thought she would have an 'ordinary' case when she filed for divorce, but to her surprise she found out that she had an "extra child" registered under her records during the procedures. She discovered that her husband, Zeki B. (43) showed on the officials records as if she had adopted a nine year-old child from his mistress of Moldovan origin. Müşerref B. has accordingly pressed charges against her husband on the grounds of "changing the child's lineage." The prosecutor has reportedly sought a three-year prison sentence for the husband, who defended himself by saying that he took such action for the child to have identification, as the child's mother did not have Turkish citizenship and procedures to register him would be complicated. Müşerref B. already has three children, all of whom are from Zeki B. She currently lives in Istanbul, according to media reports.