April snow good for selfies, bad for farmers

An unprecedented snowfall in otherwise warm regions took locals by surprise, while it spelled catastrophe for farmers counting down to a good harvest.

Snowfall took hold in a district of Sinop, a Black Sea city which usually has warm temperatures every April, as well as Aydın, the otherwise year-round sunny Aegean region. For Aydın, it was the first snowfall in this month of the year in more than four decades. Trees of spring and summer fruits blossoming covered with snow in a unique scenery with locals rushing for selfies.

Even in Uludağ, a mountain in the northwest popular among skiers, a sudden surge of snowfall surprised vacationers who were content with a thin layer of snow.

However, for farmers in İnegöl, a town north of Uludağ, snowfall meant losses for farmers eking out a living by growing strawberries. Snowfall only a week before the start of the harvest, damaged greenhouses while farmers now hope their crops in the fields would not be harmed by frostbites expected this week.