Fire breaks out in tanker carrying LPG in Gulf of Izmit
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A fire broke out in a tanker carrying liquid petroleum gas (LPG) in Turkey's northwestern Gulf of Izmit on Saturday.

The fire was largely taken under control through intervention from the sea and air, while firefighter crews continued cooling efforts due to the risk of explosion.

Three people on a rescue vessel were injured in the fire.

Kocaeli Governor Hasan Basri Güzeloğlu stated that the fire first broke out on a boat next to the loading station where the tanker was located, and later spread to the tanker.

The region surrounding the gulf is Turkey's industrial heart, which includes the country's largest oil refinery TÜPRAŞ, where the tanker fire broke out. There were numerous other tankers loaded with oil, gas and other inflammable material near the burning tanker.

It is also among the most densely populated areas in Turkey.

Sea traffic in the gulf was suspended during the incident.