Smoking ban to extend to drivers

A report in Turkish media outlets said that the government was preparing a draft law which will ban smoking for drivers.

The ban, currently applied in mass transit vehicles will now cover the drivers of privately-owned cars who will be fined if caught smoking, Habertürk newspaper reported.

The same draft law also brings plain packaging for cigarette packs.

Turkey's battle to stamp out smoking, a previously endemic habit, met success with a drop in smoking rates after eight years of smoking ban championed by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government. Figures show the ban that covered almost all public spaces, along with escalated taxes and free treatment for smokers, helped decrease smoking in the country.

The Health Ministry, which oversees anti-smoking initiatives, plans to step up its fight against smoking with new measures addressing the decreasing population of smokers in Turkey. Smoking will be banned in public parks and gardens and other public places and specific areas will be designated for smoking.