Turkey’s Jewry commemorate the fallen in Gallipoli War

Turkey's Jewish community commemorated on Sunday the fallen in the Gallipoli War.

The Chief Rabbinate Foundation of Turkey shared a video in which a faithful prays for the Turkish soldiers of Jewish origin that were killed during the war.

"These are exceptional people," the man says during the commemoration. "They sacrificed their life for the homeland. They also lost their spouses, children in the war as you can see on the tombstones," he adds.

"And the fact that, we, the fourth and the fifth generations, commemorate these people, is exceptional. May their souls be relieved, may their place be in heaven. Amen."

Ceremonies were held Sunday across the nation to mark Martyrs Day. March 18 is also celebrated as a victory on Gallipoli Day. Exactly 103 years ago, Ottoman soldiers deployed in the Gallipoli Strait succeeded in preventing a huge allied fleet from gaining access to the strategic channel.

The allied fleet was attempting to pass through the strait before conquering Istanbul and pushing the Ottoman Empire out of World War I.

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