Man throwing away $5,600 surprises passersby

"See what will happen now," Ali B. told the clerk at a currency exchange office in Antalya before he stepped out with a wad of Turkish liras. As the clerk watched him in amazement, he went out and tossed away nearly TL 32,800, which he converted from some $5,669 at the exchange office.

The man had walked only 10 meters before passersby scrambled to collect all the bills. Security camera footage shows Ali B. disappearing after tossing the stack of cash on the ground.

Yalçın Sayar, who witnessed the incident, said he first thought the man accidentally dropped the bills. "I shouted to warn him but he pretended not to hear and started throwing away the bills. Suddenly, everyone on the street was there, picking up the bills," Sayar said.